Sunday, September 1, 2019

I'm not an artist: Six items from Majora’s Mask you can find in a druid’s hut.

Six items from Majora’s Mask you can find in a druid’s hut.

Fairy: A classic item in Legend of Zelda games, Fairies restore Link to full health when used and are automatically released when Link loses his final heart. Fairies can be purchased or found in Link’s adventures and are stored in an empty jar. An interesting note on the fairies in Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask is that they were intended to be small humanoids with wings similar to common close up depictions of Tinker Bell. The graphical demands were too high for that depiction, so the designers went with the glowing orb with wings depiction. The humanoid body is intended to be within the glowing orb. 

Druids cannot always live in perfect harmony with all the spirits of nature. Some sprites are too contrary to live in harmony with anyone. Such is the case for this troublesome fairy that caused the warden too much trouble with their ceaseless pranks and no must bide their time in a bottle until the warden feels merciful.

Deku Princess: Heir to the Deku throne of Termina, the Deku Princess became trapped by the Odolwa masked jungle warrior when she and her friend the monkey were investigating what was poisoning their swamp home. The monkey was able to escape back to the Deku Palace only to be held as a prisoner for the crime of kidnapping the princess. As the Deku King does not believe the monkey, no one but Link is willing to go to the Woodfall temple in search of the princess. After defeating the masked jungle warrior and cleansing the swamp of poison, Link scoops the princess into an empty bottle and literally carries her home in his bag. I guess those bottles are surprisingly spacious

Living alone in the wilderness is not uncommon for wardens of nature, but sometimes the solitude is too much to bear. The warden sought to ease the burden of loneliness by creating a familiar to help them in tending the wilds. On the night when the veil between this world and the next is thinnest, the vegetable vessel prepared by the druid began to quicken. It is now growing into a strong leshy and will soon be ready to assist the warden in preserving the wild places.

Gold Dust: The prize for winning the Goron race is magical gold dust in a reusable bottle. In subsequent cycles, Link can win the race for the dust but gets it on a piece of wax paper instead of in a bottle. The dust is required to have Link’s Kokiri Sword forged into the Gilded Sword. I have previously spoken about my feelings concerning the swords in Majora's Mask. Along with being used to reforge the sword, Link can sell the dust to either the mountain smith or the curiosity shop. The curiosity shop will give Link five times as much as the mountain smith offers, which is curious as the mountain smith must know the dust’s true value. 

The warden is not the only watcher and guardian of nature. They are part of a circle of druids who have sworn to protect the wild places of the worlds. Each member of the circle can open a gate to the hidden meeting place of the circle using a secret ritual that includes finely ground crystals that formed at a nexus of ley lines. Many magisters would pay an incalculable sum to get their hands on such a powerful ingredient. 

Green Potion: Green potions completely restore Link’s magical energies needed to cast spells. Link must buy potions from various shops and stores them in an empty bottle. 

Not everything in the warden’s home is steeped in magical lore. The shingles on the roof need to be tarred every season to ensure that the rain is not an unexpected house guest. Tar is also great for sealing canoes and setting traps for malicious vermin.

Blue Potion: In Majora’s Mask, Blue Potions completely restore Link’s health and magical energy. Available to Link from the Witches’ Swamp Shop after returning with a Magic Mushroom or in the canyon shop for a much higher price. This potion also cures the jinx curse from those annoying flaming skulls

Some jars in the warden’s hut are extremely steeped in magical lore. This unlabeled bottle collecting dust on a high shelf is liquid moonlight. This temperamental substance can be used to see into the future, stave off the effects of therianthropy, and assert control over the tides. 


We are now fully into bottled items. There will be a few more updates featuring just things in bottles from Majora’s Mask. 

Please use my work personally however you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent. 

Consent is important. 

Considered that when you are going out into the world and being excellent to everyone.

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