Sunday, September 29, 2019

I'm not an artist: Five fish from Majora’s Mask you could catch in a Great Lake.

Five fish from Majora’s Mask you could catch in a Great Lake.

Ancient Fish: What fish you can catch while fishing in Majora’s Mask for the 3DS depends on a lot of factors. The fishing hole you chose, the time of day you are fishing, the day of the week you are fishing, the lure you are using, where in the fishing hole you cast, the mask Link is wearing, and the song Link may have played all impact what Link will catch on any given attempt. 

There is some rhyme or reason for what nets Link specific fish. To increase your chance of catching the ancient fish, cast off near the cave entrance in the north section of the swamp fishing hole while wearing the gibdo mask.

Up until this year, the only evidence that this fish had ever existed was in fossils dating back millions of years. That all changed when a local fisher snagged one of these living fossils on a family boating trip. Ever since that remarkable catch, theories have been proposed to explain the fish’s sudden appearance that includes cryogenically preserved fish waking up due to melting glaciers, subterranean oceans deep inside the world's crust, and rifts in time.

Colossal Catfish: Link can catch this fish in the swamp fishing hole on the final day before the festival. Link must scare this shy fishy out from hiding by stomping on the top of the stone pillar while wearing the Goron Mask.

This is a massive catfish with an even bigger reputation. Somehow this fish gets hooked at least once a year, but always manages to get away before getting caught. The last angler who came close to catching this leviathan was pulled into the lake when the catfish overpowered them.

Cuccofish: Appearing in the swamp fishing hole on the first and last day of Link’s adventure, the cuccofish is much easier to catch if Link has marched around the fishing hole wearing the Bremen mask before casting his line.

While not quite the chicken of the sea, this fish, nicknamed the chicken of the lake, bears an uncanny resemblance to a normal chicken. A local lunatic loudly insists that these fish rise to the surface of the lake at dawn to crow in concert with their terrestrial namesakes.

Ferocious Pirarucu: If Link has hooked a smaller fish and is reeling them in the ferocious pirarucu might appear to try and steal Link’s catch. Effectively meaning that Link’s first catch is nothing more than bait for this larger beast.

When Sherman the Sturgeon was caught as part of a research project, he was found to have a vision impairment that meant he could not survive in the wild. The limnological research lab adopted the young Sherman as their mascot and he has been delighting visitors ever since. While the fish is almost completely blind, some visitors claim they feel Sherman is watching them more than they are watching him. 

Fragrant Reekfish: This aromatic fish can be caught when Link is wearing the Mask of scents. Probably because Link can suss out where the fish is by the smell.

The problem with reekfish is that they don’t look different than other fish. They do smell different. The moment you get a reekfish out of the water, it releases a foul-smelling oil from its skin that leaves whoever touches it smelling like rotting fish for days.


Alright, this is the first of what I think is four weeks of fish posts. I’m proud of what I accomplished on some of these fish, but some of them didn’t turn out the way I wanted. I will say I got burnt out drawing fish after this, so I did not do the last few I drew justice. 

Looking back, I wish I had taken more risks with a variety of poses for the fish. Hopefully, the next time I have to draw a bunch of fish, I will do even better. 

Please use my work personally however you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent. 

Be excellent to everyone.

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