Sunday, May 24, 2020

I'm not an artist: Five rings from the Oracles games used to punish rule breakers.

Five rings from the Oracles games used to punish rule breakers.

Red Ring: This ring doubles Link’s sword damage without increasing the damage he takes when hit. Link must defeat all four of the golden beasts of Holodrum before he can earn this ring. Once he has completed the herculean task, he is rewarded with an unidentified ring by an old man living in a hidden cave in North Horon. As always, link must take every new ring to Vasu and pay to have it identified. Like every ring that can be only found in one of the two Oracles games, this ring can be transferred to Oracle of Ages by passing a ring secret between Vasu’s snakes in Holodrum and Labrynna.

In the artisan district of Layon, propriety is a necessary commodity for a person’s success. The highly proper citizens are also deeply concerned with aesthetics, so they are loath to harm a person’s innate beauty. Wrong doers are forced to wear enchanted rings that are beautiful and harmful. This ring befuddles the wearer, making their movements uncoordinated.

Blue Ring: This ring halves the amount of damage Link takes without inhibiting his damage output. Link can find this ring hidden beneath a statue in Labrynna’s Sea of No Return. He must use the great strength of the power bracelet to have any hope of moving the statue.

This ring is for those that over indulge too often. It dulls the wearers senses, leaving them aware of the world but not able to truly enjoy its pleasures. This ring has led  some people to fatally overindulge, trying to recapture the pleasure denied them.

Green Ring: This ring does it all. It increases Link’s sword damage while decreasing the damage he takes, and it matches his classic tunic. The green ring is found randomly in Gasha nuts or dropped by Maple the Witch when she bumps into Link. As it is not tied to a particular event or place, it can be found in either Ages or Seasons.

Exclusively used to exile the most troublesome offenders, this ring causes unsightly changes to a person’s appearance. This ring causes the wearer's skin to become thick and scaly while also causing their hair to thin and their nails to harden into rough claws. Powerful enchantments keep the ring bound to the wearers finger, and only drastic measures can free a person from any of these rings of rebuke.

Cursed Ring: This ring does none of it. This malevolent band doubles the damage Link takes while halting the damage he does. Link can find the evil little thing randomly in his adventures in both Labrynna and Holodrum.

This simple looking ring is a discrete punishment for those who have misstepped but are deemed worthy for rehabilitation. The toothy mouth on the inside of the band chews and tears at the wearer if they begin to act out of line of their instructions. Truly defiant individuals can have their finger chewed off by this voracious ring.

Expert’s Ring: This was one of my favorite rings when I played the Oracles games as a kid. When Link is wearing this ring and doesn’t have an item equipped in the A or B slot, he attacks with a punch. The fist ring also provides this bonus, but Link’s punches are weaker and don’t have a knock back effect when using the fist ring. Link can find this ring randomly in his travels through both Labrynna and Holodrum.

A punishment devised for crafted who reach beyond their station, this ring turns the wearer's hand that is not wearing this ring to stone. Of the many rings of punishment, this ring is often removed the fastest as the victims will often make some self-limiting pledge and admit their error. Rumors circulate of rough fighting types hoping to secure a ring such as this so they might have an entirely concealable weapon.


Oracle of Seasons was one of the first games I ever played that had the ability to meaningfully customize your playstyle. The rings system in the oracles games made me feel like I was playing my own way and not just an inferior version of my older brother.

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