Sunday, May 17, 2020

I'm not an artist: Six rings from the Oracles games found on the hands of influential crime families.

Six rings from the Oracles games found on the hands of influential crime families.

Power Ring 1: The first level of the power ring increases the damage of Link’s attacks but also increases the damage Link takes when hit. Link must conquer the Explorer’s Crypt in Oracle of Seasons or the Spirit’s Grave in Oracle of Ages to unlock the ability to find this ring in his adventures.

The Sarconni family officially runs a somewhat successful seafood company, but it is a well-known secret that they are also in charge of all organized crime in the wharves. Sarconni officers are given a single pearl on a band of silver and they are expected to wear it at all times. What lower level Sarconni officers may not know, is that the pearl rings subtly push wearers to meaner, harsher, and more violent behaviors.

Power Ring 2: The second level of the power ring further increases Link’s attack damage and the damage he takes when struck. This ring is only found on Labrynna’s Crescent Island in Oracle of Ages. Link can only obtain this ring in Oracle of Seasons by passing a ring secret between Vasu’s red and blue snakes in a linked game.

Sarconni lieutenants wear pearl rings similar to the ones Sarconni officers are given, but with two additional smaller pearls. These lieutenant rings are only given to brutal individuals that need no encouragement to be violent enforcers. Instead of pushing the wearer towards brutality, these rings allow the wearer to inflict incredible pain without leaving permanent marks.

Power Ring 3: This final upgrade to the power ring greatly increases Link’s attack damage and damage taken when struck. This ring is found in the Hero’s Cave in Oracle of Seasons and can only be had in Labrynna through ring secrets.

The few captains within the hierarchy of the Sarconni organization are presented with these gaudy rings in a secretive ritual. Only the most loyal and obedient members of the Sarconni organization are presented with these rings. The ritualistic donning of these rings forces a dominating alien intelligence into the wearer, making them vessels for the true beings in charge of the Sarconni family.

Armor Ring 1: The armor ring reduces the amount of damage Link takes but also reduces the amount of damage he deals. Link must adventure through the Moblin’s Keep in Oracle of Ages to obtain this ring.

The triumvirate emerged out of a bloody turf war between the three most powerful crime families in the nation. The three families eventually came to an agreement where they would rule all organized crime as a group. Each family appoints one member to the council of three rings where they serve for three years.

Armor Ring 2: This first upgrade to the armor ring further reduces the amount of damage both takes and deals. This ring is found in the Goron Mountain in Oracle of Seasons.

Before each meeting of the council, the members draw one of three rings, each signifying a different responsibility of rulership. The process was designed to ensure that no one family could control any one part of organized crime for too long. The bearer of the middle ring decides all questions related to smuggling operations.

Armor Ring 3: The final upgrade of the armor ring greatly reduces the damage Link takes and deals. It is found in the Hero’s Cave in Oracle of Ages. 

The rule of the three rings is recently celebrating its three hundred year anniversary of keeping the peace. The last three hundred years have not been without incident, many violent coup attempts have been brutally snuffed out. The bearer of the largest ring is responsible for maintaining the council’s control over the nation's crime, and as such, whoever dons the ring must crush any attempts at superseding the council’s control. Even if the plot originates from the wearer's own sect.


Sorry for the late post. I’ve been pretty busy getting ready for the end of the school year.

Please use my work personally however you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent.

Even if stay-at-home orders are relaxing, make sure you are taking as many precautions as you can. Things aren’t back to normal, so make sure to be excellent to everyone.

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