Sunday, July 4, 2021

Four Swords: An explosive start to the next set of items.

An explosive start to the items from The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords.
Bomb: Four Swords is a very different game from the main branch Zelda games. Each level is procedurally generated based on the zone your team is in and how many warriors the Four Sword has broken Link into. In these levels, there are item pedestals where any of the Links can grab the item and use it as their one tool in addition to their sword and shield. Bombs can be used as tools to destroy weakened walls or blocks to access hidden areas or as weapons.

You and your stoner cousin and best friend are heading to the biggest party of the century. You know the host dropped serious coin on getting the most audacious fireworks known to civilization. You two are just gonna have to sneak into that fireworks tent and snag a couple of extra special pieces to have on hand for the perfect moment. What could go wrong?


I will eventually post all the black and white versions of these items, but that won't be until I've posted the whole set in color. I will also be posting each item individually as there are a few items that are many different palette swaps of the same base item. Next week will be the real break from Zelda inspired cards with five more items from my home game.

Incoming rant regarding the 4th of July.

I know I said this week would be a break from Zelda cards with some homebrew magic items, but this Sunday lined up with the 4th of July which is American Independence day. In the USA, we celebrate our independence with firework shows and avoiding discussing our problematic history.

I don't mention the day to buy into at all the hyper-nationalist ultra-patriotic idea that the US is or was at any point great. No matter where you look in US history there have been people being harmed and oppressed. It is okay to want to celebrate the start of the USA, but it is naive to think that the USA is some ideal model of what a perfect country should be.

The US doesn’t ensure that all people can access healthcare or higher education. We let people suffer from hunger and homelessness. We jail a higher percentage of people than anywhere else and operate prisons as for-profit businesses that are designed to make the most money instead of lower the rate of committing crimes after a prison stay.

America is not a shining city on a hill, but we can make all things better for all people if we put the wellness of all people, regardless of their demographics, as a top priority.

Be excellent to everyone.

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